Now, before I begin, let all of your associations fly out of the window. Allow yourself to not see my words as words that you have seen and heard before, but as words that can actually apply to your life.
Think about what you currently do in an average day. Do you play a lot of video games, watch a lot of TV or watch movies often ? Sure, it might be the norm. Sure, no harm comes out of it. And sure, maybe you might believe that we're on this planet to primarily enjoy ourselves. That used to be my attitude/rationale at least. Doing any sort of work seemed like it only affected the world in which we live. Thus, if I'll be gone one day, what's the point besides making enough money to survive ?
Have you ever heard the saying "Live like tomorrow will never come" ? I'm sure you have. People who party like to spout it off as if all of their choices and decisions can be chalked up to this philosophy. But save that thought.
That saying doesn't seem to mean much to anybody outside of that crowd. "Sure maybe tomorrow will never come, but it's pretty likely that it will." or "That's what people without a goal in life like to say." I again was of the same thought not too long ago.
Until I started reading a book written by the Dalai Lama, titled "Advice on Dying". Much to my surprise, he had the same sort of philosophy. He insists that we should dwell on the aspect of death and impermanence so that we can make the most of our time here. The key difference was him not suggesting that maybe we'll die tomorrow, so go have a fun night on the town, but him advising us to realize how little time we will have on this planet. This is even assuming we live to be one hundred years old. That is but a fraction of how long the human race has been and possibly will be here.
So why not make the most out of every single day that goes by? Think about how fast a day, a week, and a year goes. Can you say you accomplished as much as you could have in the past year? In the past month or week? The more we put off for later, the less we'll ultimately get done, because our motivation and energy will be no different when it comes time to do those things.
I'll leave you with one final thing. One hundred years may sound like quite a long time to get things done. However, we sleep away a third of our life, and the first 15 and last 15-30 years are unproductive. This means we have as little as twenty years to truly get done what we want to do in our lives.
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