Try this .. try imagining that you're the only person on the planet. There's no responsibilities, no obligations to others, nobody's opinion matters except yours because there isn't anybody else. Your scope of the world is essentially the entire world. Nothing else matters besides what you experience throughout your life. In your own world.
Now imagine that every person on the planet was imagining this at the same time. THIS is what our world is truly like, although nobody will admit it. Other people will come into your world and bring theirs with you, but we need to keep a grasp on our own world, or else we risk losing who we are to others. There are some out there that grasp onto other people's worlds and just get taken along for the ride, having no sense of control. When they return to their world to try to regain their sense of control, they find their world vastly empty, waiting to be rebuilt. But instead of rebuilding it, most choose to instead attach to another person's world again, and another's after that.
I'm not trying to encourage the idea that you should spend all of your time alone, as there's much to be gained by loving and learning from others. But if you find that you don't truly know yourself, maybe you should reflect and go rebuild your world.
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